Relaxation Techniques for busy Mums and Dads

Scientific research shows that the key to most things we want in life lies in a particular state of mind, called the Alhpa & Theta brainwave frequencies, which you experience in light sleep. The goal is to achieve this state of mind during waking consciousness, to thereby overcome any stressful situations (having a houseful of children in the summer holidays), negative thought patterns (will he/she ever eat my home cooked food?) whilst triumphing over any unwanted habits (snacking on children’s discarded foods, evening alcohol to ‘relax’ etc) plus strengthens your immune system and your emotional and physical being (after the rollercoaster of pregnancy, birth and sleepless nights etc).

In 1966 Jose Silva, a radio repairman found how to consciously reach Alpha & Theta levels, significantly reducing the ‘amplification’ in the human brain, allowing people more creativity (finding that essential ‘you time’ to express your inner desires, not just those of your children’s), stress relief and increased memory (brilliant for ‘absent minded mums’!), Jose trained his children first, their meditative practice giving them significantly higher grades in the process.

Scientists have since found that 8 weeks of meditation increases your grey-matter brain density, causing increased memory, sense of self (self confidence and trust), empathy (having a ‘gut feeling’ about people and situations) and stress reduction were significantly reduced.

Kara, a fully trained Osho Zen Meditation teacher can show you the easy to learn techniques to deeply relax and reinvigorate yourself. Experienced in running Meditation Classes for over ten years, Kara utilizes a variety of techniques to suit all students, both novice and those adept at Meditating.

“Through using different ways to focus your attention, such as breathing, sensations, counting etc, this brings your mind back to the here and now, as opposed to letting the mind drift”.

This week and next there will be a FREE Relaxation Technique for you to follow. Here is this week’s Centering Technique:-

Kara’s Tips to ensure you get the most from your Relaxation time

• Make yourself comfortable, preferably seated (as lying can make the meditative novice prone to sleeping instead of meditating)

• Ensure you are in an area of your home or nature, where you know you will not be disturbed.

• Turn off any mobile or landline phones, and instruct anyone in your home or vicinity that you wish to be undisturbed for this time. If at home, it is always a good idea to simply stick a note on your door stating ‘Meditating, Do not Disturb”.

• Soft, harmonic music can be played, preferably ‘memory free’ and ‘word’ free music, as in just melody or nature sounds, so that nothing cerebral, via words or associations can prevent you from achieving Alpha & Theta brain levels. As with any new hobby, it is always nice to buy something new (as in new trainers for jogging, artists easle for painting etc) to start your new venture, so investing in just a new CD is a wonderful start to Meditating. As finding a piece of music that easily relaxes you gives you a head start to begin with.

• Use a gentle timer with the more advanced Meditations, to help you realize when it is time to come ‘back to reality’. A good way is to use a music track you know is a specific length that you wish to meditate to, so that the ‘end’ does not shock you too much on coming out of your tranquil way of being.

• Place your feet, preferably barefoot, on the ground, ensuring you are grounded.

• Gently let your eyelids touch.
Simple Breathing Technique

An easy way to quieten your mind is to count 1 through to 10 on inhaling, then count 1 through to 10 on exhaling. This will be easy to start with, but might prove more challenging as the minutes tick by, so if you naturally find your mind wandering, simply refocus on counting all over again. Don’t be too hard on yourself if your mind does wander, its natural to begin with, as Meditation, like everything else, takes practice. See how long it takes you to get to 10 without your mind wandering.

For further Information or Questions on this weeks Meditation  please contact Kara on : 99029952
Guided Group Meditation & One to One classes are also available.