Macaroni Cheese

I call Macaroni Cheese my 'fall back on' recipe. Whenever I have unexpected guests and not enough time for shopping, this is the one for me. Even if I don't have all the ingredients, I will always have the basic ones needed for this ever so comforting dish. Some of the added ingredients in this recipe like the bacon, mushrooms, onion and sundried tomatoes are just ingredients I happened to have in my fridge one day, decided to try them out and found...

Fun Factory - "Solidarity to our Fellow Human Beings" Day

Event DescriptionAs part of the effort to offer assistance to our fellow human beings, the kids playground "Fun Factory" in Larnaca in collaboration with Larnaca Municipality, has arranged an entire day dedicated to contribution and solidarity.The aim is to collect as many foods, clothes, footwear and toys as possible.Free entrance for all children!WhereFun Factory (Opposite the Fire Station & beside the BMW Garage), LarnacaWhenFriday, May...
Oroklini’s Children's Festival 2013 NEA GENIA CULTURAL CLUB HAS ORGANISED THE FESTIVAL OF JOY AND CONTRIBUTION Supporting Families in Need Friday, May 31 at 5:30 pm Oroklini Primary School Please support us by bringing along food and any unwanted toys & clothing. All items received will be given to those in need living in our local community through the Social Market. Contribution baskets are located at the entrance...

Ciokoland’s Summer School

A creative and fun summer program for children 4-11 yrs. old from 25/06-23/08! Theatre games, visual arts, music, cinema. Offered in Greek & English language. Book now! For more info: 96371...

Larnaca Municipality - Press Release - 27/05-2/06/2013

As part of the effort to provide accurate information to Larnaca citizens and to the general public regarding the activities and operations of the Town, you can read the weekly newsletter Press Release here.Find all the Cultural Events of May by just one clickWORKSThe Technical Department of the Municipality informs the public that between 20 - 24/05/2013 the following structures will be conducted:Trade construction work on the feast...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 27/05-2/06/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.www.larnaka.comΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣΓια πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333ΕΚΘΕΣΗΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΗ ΠΙΝΑΚΟΘΗΚΗ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣΈκθεση με έργα τέχνης από τη συλλογή του Δήμου ΛάρνακαςΔιάρκεια έκθεσης:...

Summer Workshop “We, The Archaeologists”

The Pierides Museum Organises a Summer Educational Workshop for children of 9-13 years old. One can join any day between 17th of June until 19th of July. All Free of Charge. Mission: To find the lost treasure of Goddess Astarti! For more info visit

Theatre Antidote's Youth Performance

Sunday 9th June 2013 Θέατρο Αντίδοτο / Larnaca Youth Foundation, near the General Hospital"The Swan" is a beautifully devised piece of theatre by Theatre Antidote's 7-9 year olds!Exploring the themes of individuality, identity and society's predjudice against things they don't understand.Using music, theatre, art and film production, the children will tell an emotional story which is completely unique!Our young Performers were not...

Special Needs Group


Pirate Pat

Need we say any more .......Contact Info: Piratepat@gmail.com96598...

The Body & Soul Space


New : Story in the park


Chocolate Trifle

I found this amazing recipe a few years ago in a magazine and has become one of my favourites, even though I don't make it very often it always leaves my guests quite satisfied! You know when you look at something and you know it's bad and sinful through and through and know quite well that it won't end well but still just can't help yourself? Well this is the food version!! Enjoy!!Ingredients200g Chocolate brownies 3tbsp Tia Maria or Baileys225g...

Angela's Activities


Alternative Medicine and your Child

Alternative Medicine and your Childwith Miranda TringisHerbalist Dip. HM (Inst. NH)Director CyHerbia Herb Gardens, AvgorouWhen: Wednesday 22nd MayWhere: American Academy Junior SchoolTime: 8.00pm – 9.30pmNatural remedies can be a parent’s best friend when it comes to treating children’s ailments and upsets. In fact, herbs can be particularly safe and effective for children because herbs tend to be so much gentler than pharmaceutical alternatives....

Larnaca Municipality - Press Release - 20-26/05/2013

As part of the effort to provide accurate information to Larnaca citizens and to the general public regarding the activities and operations of the Town, you can read the weekly newsletter Press Release here.Find all the Cultural Events of May by just one clickWORKSThe Technical Department of the Municipality informs the public that between 20 - 24/05/2013 the following structures will be conducted:Trade construction work on the feast of the FloodMaintenance...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 20-26/05/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.www.larnaka.comΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ  ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙ Σ Για πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗΤρίτη 21        8:00 μ.μ.ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΗ ΠΙΝΑΚΟΘΗΚΗ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣΚλιμάκιο...

Concert :"Together for Larnaca and for our common man"

LARNACA Municipality and Kiti Metropolis are organising a concert on Monday, May 27 in cooperation with the local communities of Aradippou, Lefkara, Athienou, Leivadia and Dromolaxia–Meneou in an effort to collect food for the needy.The concert named ‘Together for Larnaca and for our common man’ will take place on the Phinikoudes beach and will be opened by the philharmonic orchestra at 4pm. From 6pm until midnight well-known artists from Cyprus...

Baileys and chocolate cheesecake

The smooth, creamy liqueur gives this celebration cheesecake the wow factor. Top with grated chocolate and a dusting of cocoa.Ingredients 100g/3½oz butter250g/8¾oz digestive biscuits, crushed600g/1lb 5oz Philadelphia cream cheese25ml/1fl oz Baileys100ml/3½oz icing sugar300ml/10½oz double cream, whipped100g/3½oz grated chocolate To garnish200ml/7¼oz double cream, whippedcocoa powder, to dustPreparation method Melt the butter in a pan and add the crushed...

Larnaca Municipality - Press Release - 13-19/05/2013

As part of the effort to provide accurate information to Larnaca citizens and to the general public regarding the activities and operations of the Town, you can read the weekly newsletter Press Release here.CULTURAL EVENTSFor information Larnaca Municipal Cultural Services tel 24657745, 24629333LECTURETuesday, the 14th 7:15 pmRoof of Letters and ArtsZINONEIO FREE UNIVERSITY OF LARNACALecture: "For the future of the future." Rapporteur: Costas Christofides,...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 13-19/05/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ Για πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗΤρίτη 14 7:15 μ.μ.ΣΤΕΓΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΕΧΝΩΝΖΗΝΩΝΕΙΟ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣΔιάλεξη...

The Lithos Beer Festival will Take Place this Weekend!

The streets of Oroklini and Larnaca are filled with excitement at present in anticipation of the very first Beer Festival in town which will go on for 3 whole days.The Festival will be hosted by Lithos Bar & Grill in Oroklini.Take advantage of the discounted prices, starting from €2.30, of all 17 types of Beer Lithos will be offering! The Beer Festival will take place over 3 days long weekend and if that's not enough...

Inspirational Stories : Single mother's 9p meals win book deal

Single mother's 9p meals win book deal thanks to her 'austerity recipes' blog about feeding her family on £10 a weekJack Monroe has signed a deal with Penguin following her blog success The 25-year-old from Southend feeds herself and Jonny, three, on £10 The healthy and frugal meals include 30p chilli, 22p curry and 9p burgersA single mother who has turned her 9p meals into a book deal has urged shoppers not to be put off value-brand food...

Lemon Puddle Pudding

I made this delicious pudding a few weeks ago for our Sunday Lunch and is now on my 'favourite puddings' list!! Not only is this delectable pudding so delicious, but just so simple to make and to top it all, it just looks so elegant with that delicate sprinkling of icing sugar when it's ready to serve. Don't you just feel so smug when you present to your guests an impressive dish, knowing that it was so very simple to make!!! Enjoy!!Ingredients 50g...

The Saturday Kids Club

Now at Gaia we offer every Saturday movies at 12pm for kids of all age groups!Come have fun and enjoy also our happy face sandwich.................1EuroGaia Center1 Andreas Souroukli St, CY6021 Larnaca, Cyprus24 25 26

Larnaca Municipality - Press Release - 06-12/05/2013

As part of the effort to provide accurate information to Larnaca citizens and to the general public regarding the activities and operations of the Town, you can read the weekly newsletter Press Release here.CULTURAL EVENTSFor information call Larnaca Municipality Cultural Services at tel 24657745, 24629333MOVIE THEATERThursday, the 9th 8:30 pmLARNACA MUNICIPAL THEATRE"Cine Club Larnaca-Famagusta" Lessons adulthood (The Sessions)"(Comedy, USA, 2012,...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 06-12/05/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ Για πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333 ΚΙΝΗΜΑΤΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ Πέμπτη 9 8:30 μ.μ.ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑΣ «Κινηματογραφική Λέσχη Λάρνακας-Αμμοχώστου «Μαθήματα...

Youth Foundation

Location :Τel: 24-664622Fax: 24-822678Email: info@youthfoundationcy.comWebsite: www.youthfoundationcy.comhttp://www.youthfoundationcy.o...

Θέατρο Αντίδοτο (Theatro Antidote)



Flaounes....a little pastry parcel filled with a tasty cheese filling, traditionally made at Easter time in Cyprus. Sometimes food does not always just stimulate our taste buds, sometimes taking a bite might stimulate something deep inside us, a distant memory, a familiar feeling of surroundings lost in the past or fond memories of relatives that have passed away...flaounes always take me to a very special place,one bite takes me back to the...