Beef and Lentil Soup

Just love this coolerweather now in Cyprus, still nice to go to the beach but in the evenings I'mfeeling a little chilly, craving something warm and comforting. How about ahearty, delicious soup full of goodness?! I found this recipe which is a mealin itself, served with lovely fresh bread, just perfect!  Hope you like it!!  Ingredients2 tbls Olive Oil750g boneless stewingbeef, cut into cubesSalt & pepper3 celery stalks,chopped2 carrots,...

Alice's Wonderland

Little Muse Theatre presents Alice’s WonderlandWritten by Catherine Beger (Former Co-Director of Antidote Theatre)Directed by Torkild LindebjergDesigner: Liene KalpisaCast: Catherine Beger & Lefteris MoschviasAlice’s Wonderland is a devised musical adaptation of the children’s classic: Alice in Wonderland. Directed by Torkild Lindebjerg, the underlying theme is how a child can find their own voice, as they grow in confidence empowered...

LPN Weekly Hang out

Coming January 2013  ...If you are looking to make new friends, hang out and have fun with like minded Mums Dads Carers & Kids Join us every Wednesday between 4pm- 6pm :0)Check out what’s on Monthly scheduleComing SoonFor further Information info@larnacaparnetsnetwork....

LPN Interviews the Young Writer and Author of ''The Lands Beyond'', Marie Lange

It's with great pleasure that we share this most recent exclusive interview on Larnaca Parents Network with the young, talented and passionate Marie Lange. Marie Lange is a young writer and author of the youth fiction book ''The Lands Beyond''. The most impressive fact is that she was only 15 when she wrote it and already has her book published on Amazon! This interview was conducted on September 20th for LPN, when the young writer was invited...

Larnaca Municipality - Press Release - 14-18/10/2013

As part of the effort to provide accurate information to Larnaca citizens and to the general public regarding the activities and operations of the Town, you can read the weekly newsletter Press Release here.www.larnaka.comCULTURAL EVENTSFor information Larnaca Municipal Cultural Services tel 24657745 , 24629333THEATRETuesday, the 15th 8:30 pmMUNICIPAL THEATRETRS - 018 Scene "Romeo and Juliet for Two " of Kostas Gaki Athena Moustakas , Kostas Bibby...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 14-18/10/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.www.larnaka.comΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ Για πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας τηλ. 24657745, 24629333ΘΕΑΤΡΟ Τρίτη 15 8:30 μ.μ.ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟΘΟΚ – Σκηνή 018 «Ρωμαίος και Ιουλιέτα για Δυο» των...

Chicken Korma

Apparently this week is 'Curry Week', good excuse to choose a recipe from this popular and much-loved cuisine. Curries always remind me of my Uncle Andy, a great lover of curries, who introduced me to my first curry dish. Growing up, I never liked this spicy dish and whenever my Mum cooked a curry, I preferred to have something else, until I visited my family in Cheltenham. My Uncle, who sadly died a few years ago, being...

LPN Interviews the Young Writer and Author of ''The Lands Beyond'', Marie Lange

It's with great pleasure that we share this most recent exclusive interview on Larnaca Parents Network with the young, talented and passionate Marie Lange. Marie Lange is a young writer and author of the youth fiction book ''The Lands Beyond''. The most impressive fact is that she was only 15 when she wrote it and already has her book published on Amazon! This interview was conducted on September 20th for LPN, when the young writer was invited to...

The Larnaka Municipality's Calendar of Events

Diary of Cultural Events please click on the below link to access full listings: July /August Events  June Cultural EventsMay Cultural Events April Cultural Events March Events February Events January Events English January Events Gr...

Introducing LPN … Monthly Competitions!

Our monthly competitions are exclusive to LPN members and the answer will be found somewhere within our website: which is also a great place to find out about local activities,happening events and local news…This Month's Question: Sponsored by K Cineplex Q: When did LPN start ?Special Note: Answers should be submitted with your name in the comment section below :0) Best of luck!Answer below and get the...


I made this a few weeks ago for my guests, served warm with creamy mashed potatoes and veg., just delicious!! Also tasty when cold, I had plenty left over for the next day, served with salad and chutney. Something for the whole family, served hot or cold as a main dish with baked or mashed potatoes, perfect for picnics or sliced thinly in sandwiches for the kid's packed lunches, meatloaf is not just so easy to make but also economical and is...

Global Synchonised Breastfeeding 2013


The Larnaka Municipality's Calendar of Events

Diary of Cultural Events please click on the below link to access full listings: July /August Events  June Cultural EventsMay Cultural Events April Cultural Events March Events February Events January Events English January Events Gr...


Where: American Academy Junior SchoolWhen: Wednesday 25th OctoberTime: 8.00 pm - 9.30pm Erini is the author of the ground-breaking (and sky-breaking if you consider Thor’s Raw Thunderbolt) recipe book, SOAR ON RAW!,, which gloriously entwines over 100 deities from World Mythology with vibrant, fresh vegetarian ingredients. This concept may well be a publishing first for the cookbook –and raw- world.Her mission is to show that...

Little Muse Theatre Presents: 'You Can't Eat a Princess'

Where: Little Muse Theatre, 8 Markou Drakou Street, Larnaca (in front of the American Academy Junior School)When: Saturday 26th OctoberTime: 9.30am - 11.00amA superhero tale for boys & girls!! When King Cupcake is kidnapped by hungry aliens, it's up to his feisty daughter, Princess Spaghetti, to save him from becoming their dinner. She blasts off into space to show those naughty aliens who's boss - and introduces them to a delicious alternative...

Little Muse Theatre Presents: 'A Mermaid's Tale'

Where: Little Muse Theatre, 8 Markou Drakou Street, LarnacaWhen: Saturday 12th October Time: 9.30am - 11.00amA young boy finds a mermaid washed up on the shore and in return for helping her return home to her father King Neptune, he asks for one thing in return........her exquisite voice. A story about appreciating natural beauty.........and about freedom :)For Further information please contact Catherine : 96216435&nb...

Fresh Pasta

Ok, I've made home-made pasta, yes, time-consuming but not difficult to make and the good news is that you can make your pasta on a day where you have the time, freeze it, forget about and it'll be ready to use on another day where you're busy making sauces and other dishes for your guests or family. And believe me it's pretty special serving your guests with something as delicious as home-made pasta!!! I will be posting some home-made sauces...

Δήμος Λάρνακας - Δελτίο Τύπου - 23-29/09/2013

Στα πλαίσια της προσπάθειας για έγκυρη ενημέρωση των δημοτών και γενικότερα του κοινού σε σχέση με τις δραστηριότητες και τις ενέργειες του Δήμου, δημοσιεύουμε εδώ, εκ μέρους του Δήμου Λάρνακας, το εβδομαδιαίο ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Τύπου.www.larnaka.comΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣΓια πληροφορίες Πολιτιστική Υπηρεσία Δήμου Λάρνακας  τηλ.  24657745, 24629333ΕΚΘΕΣΗΤρίτη 24              7:30...